I'll attempt to create a tutorial of how I made these but, please, if something is unclear, let me know as I've never done this before.
Step 1: Buy baby mittens and knee-high style kid socks. I looked for mittens that were waterproof since I'm sure Benjamin will be getting into the snow a lot this year, and I looked for ones that had a bit of a cuff that I could sew the sock onto.
Step 2: Cut the feet off of the socks (this was so oddly satisfying that I'm slightly disturbed by myself)
Step 3 (and 4): Fold and iron cut end of sock over once, and then again
Step 5: Sew the folded section down. I used a zigzag stich which worked . . . okay, but it seemed to stretch it out a bit. I'm open to suggestions for something that would work better.
Step 6: Turn mitten inside out and pin sock onto it. Notice that I had the sock pinned inside out- this is WRONG (and yes, I did it twice that way) unless you want the final product to have an inside out sock- something Booper is just going to have to deal with :)
Step 7: Sew the pinned sock-bit onto the mitten cuff. I used a straight stitch and it seemed to work pretty well.
Ta da! Finished product. They're not super fancy but, hopefully, they'll do the trick. We're supposed to get a bunch of snow tomorrow so maybe we'll be able to try them out right away.